English Bulldog Puppies for Sale in Scotland

‘Lulgly’is an expression which comes to mind when it comes to describing the English Bulldog. Loveable and kind of ugly at the same time with his droopy chops and gloomy demeanour, the Bulldog actually makes a loyal companion that loves human company.

Gracious and dignified with his stiff upper-lip and solid stature, the English Bulldog can be trained to become a biddable pet, who is equally kind and courageous.

Cute, cuddly and quite lazy, the Bulldog needs consistent positive training from a young age with food rewards. These show the English Bulldog that you mean what you say and make him an obedient dog that knows his boundaries. Though gentle and good with children, he can have a stubborn streak and needs to be shown who’s leader from early puppyhood.

The English Bulldog likes human company and doesn’t like being left alone for long periods.

If you’re looking for a English Bulldog puppy for sale in Scotland, type in your postcode and let PetsYouLove alert you to any bulldogs for sale or rescue in your area.

English Bulldog Puppies for Sale English Bulldog Dogs for Sale


If you’re looking for a English Bulldog puppy for sale in Scotland, you should know that these soft and beautiful pups can grow into rather large, lazy adults, who love nothing better than snoring on the sofa.

Peaceful and gentle, the Bulldog is not a barky watchdog, though his stature would give strangers pause for thought on seeing Bully waiting at the door! Stocky, blocky and with a strange waddling gait, the English Bulldog can be a comical creature who is loveable, peaceful and dignified.

It takes a lot to rouse the Bulldog’s with his sweet nature and he gets on with most other pets, but he has been known to engage in a battle of wills with other male dogs.

Though he can be a bit stubborn at times, Bully is a rather sensitive soul – he intelligent and remembers what he’s learnt. He responds best to patient, food motivated training!

Description of the English Bulldog

The earliest English Bulldog dates back as early as the 13th century when these dogs were used for bull-bating, however, the breed lines have altered over centuries to produce a dog with a much calmer temperament for companionship. The breed is a British icon, symbolising courage and determination and during World War 2, the Bulldog was likened to Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

A muscular-looking dog with a wrinkly pug face and large squashed-in nose and muzzle, the English Bulldog is built low to the ground and heavy-set. Bully is gentle and easy going with most humans and pets; he isn’t a barky dog, but because of his pug appearance, can be a bit snuffly and snore a lot!

The English Bulldog can also be a bit slobbery, especially after drinks and a bit on the gassy-side. You can monitor this with the food you give him, and natural-based dog foods are probably best. He can be a stubborn little fellow, but this can be overcome with consistent training and treats.

If you’re looking for a English Bulldog puppy for sale in Scotland, know that this little squat, stocky, docile dog is intelligent and while often lazy, he can be playful. He needs physical exercise to avoid overweight issues and potential breathing problems due to his squashed nose. As with all dogs, he also needs early socialisation with other dogs and lots of human contact in order to have a dog that’s not too shy.

The Bulldog stands between 31 to 40 cm tall. Males weighs in around 22 to 25 kilos, while females weigh in around 22- 23 kgs.


If you’re looking for a English Bulldog puppy for sale in Scotland, it’s worth knowing that they can live up to 8-10 years.


The English Bulldog really is the perfect lazy man’s companion. He doesn’t need lots of exercise, in fact a couple of brisk walks around the block per day should suffice this robust little man. But make sure he gets them or he could just turn into a couch potato! Owners should avoid taking Bully out in overly hot or humid weather as the Bulldog’s breathing system just can’t cope.


He’s a short, smooth haired little fellow, so people often assume that Bully doesn’t need a lot of grooming, nor shed that much, but shed they do and they have sensitive skin that needs to be looked after as well. Ideally, he should be brushed once per day, but a thorough brush once per week will keep shedding under control and keep his coat and skin in good condition.

The folds around a Bulldog’s mouth, known as ropes need to be checked and cleaned daily to avoid any infections. This is best done with a damp cloth or cotton buds to clean and dry the area. Bully loves a bit of TLC and will love this human attention.

Bulldogs don’t need to be bathed more than once every couple of months; if you bathe him more often than this then you’ll strip the natural oils out and upset the balance of his skin, which can lead to irritations.

Recognised Kennel Club colours for the English Bulldog’s coat include solid and piebald variations of red, also red and white, brindle, and brindle and white.


The English Bulldog is very food motivated. Ideally, he should be twice every day with drinking water always available. The English Bulldog often has to be bribed with titbits through training as he can have a bit of a stubborn streak, though owners should beware that treats should make up no more than 20% of a dog’s daily diet, and this should be taken into consideration on organising the Bulldog’s meal sizes. The English Bulldog would easily pile on the pounds if he was allowed to overeat and this can lead to unwanted health problems. Owners should keep in close contact with their vet to keep an eye on Bully’s weight and ensure he is being exercised appropriately.

Cost of Keeping an English Bulldog

If you’re looking for an English Bulldog puppy for sale in Scotland, you should know that the average price to buy a pup ranges between £1000 to over £3500 depending on their bloodlines. You must do your research before buying a pup, look into their bloodlines and find out about the health of their parents and grandparents as these dogs can come with health problems. Always ask to visit the dog with its mother in the place wher it has been bred.

It will cost between £90 to £150 per month to keep an adorable English Bulldog in your life. This includes everyday amenities like food, insurance, vaccinations, grooming and neutering. It’s worth noting that vet bills can mount up with this kind of dog should it develop any breathing or hip disorders which this breed can be prone to.

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